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Ashdown 4/10 Bass Cab

Pros – This Ashdown Cab is very loud without breaking up and sounds really nice without any muddyness or lack of clarity. Handles on either side make it easier to carry considering its weight. Well built and won’t break in a hurry. Horn switch on the back very handy for different tone/basses/venues.


Cons – Biggest con is it it really heavy. It could do with some castors.

ashdown bass cab.png


The ashdown 4 by 10 is a great sounding bass cab, especially considering new they aren’t very expensive, and second hand, MUCH less. No unpleasant highs or too muddy lows. I power it through my new MarkBass Little Tube Bass Head which sounds gorgeous with a lot of variation. This ashdown cab is a very loud, nice sounding speaker, however, it comes with the drawback of being exceptionally large and heavy. It won’t even fit in the boot of some cars and is a pain to squeeze into a back seat even with two people battling with it. It looks the part with its four 10″ speakers and tweeter, covered with a carpet feel casing and metal grill on the front.

The Ashdown 4/10 bass cab is definitely an amp I’d recommend to someone who needs the power and has the ability to transport it. Otherwise I’d suggest getting two 2/10 Cabs which gives you the option of using just one for smaller gigs or both for larger gigs with the option to aim the speakers in different directions (towards the drummer for example).

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